Manage your entire procure-to-pay-process, stock replenishment and inventory control

Transform your procurement process into a strategic and proactive operation with contract management, commitment tracking and simplified reporting.

Simplify your supply chain

TechnologyOne’s Supply Chain Management solution allows you to easily manage the entire source-to-pay process, inventory management and replenishment as efficiently as possible. Simply capture information at its source, strengthen supplier relationships and drive strategic procurement decisions with a single source of truth.

And do it all with a simple, intuitive solution that’s fully integrated with the TechnologyOne global SaaS ERP solution.

Be smarter about your spending

Using one solution to manage the entire process, you can control and improve spending patterns and make strategic sourcing, contract management and stock optimisation decisions to drive savings throughout the supply chain. Get full visibility of future commitments to ensure you stay within budget at every stage of procurement.

Let the data drive your decision making

Powerful, dynamic dashboards display real-time supplier information, inventory performance data and purchasing trends from across your supply chain. With this knowledge at your fingertips, you can make better buying decisions faster, easily identify savings opportunities and negotiate strategically with suppliers.

See our Supply Chain Management software in action

Supply Chain Management capabilities

Supply Chain Management delivers a complete approach to managing the procurement process, enabling you to make strategic sourcing decisions, save time and resources on inventory management and boost your bottom line.
  • Sourcing - Supply Chain Management product - TechnologyOne


    Ensure your organisation follows your procurement policies, while tracking all aspects of the RFx process with powerful auditing to manage your probity requirements.
  • Contract Management - TechnologyOne

    Contract Management

    Streamline the management of contract risk and activities with automated contract reviews including options for Contract KPI, Contractor Performance and Internal Risk.
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  • Purchasing & Commitments - Supply Chain Management product - TechnologyOne


    Devolve procurement across your organisation, maintaining controls and streamlining processes to support efficiencies whilst providing an overview on commitments.
  • SCM - Consolidation

    Consolidate Purchase Requisitions

    Save time by consolidating multiple requisitions across your organisation into single orders for each supplier.
  • Auto Invoice Matching - Supply Chain Management product - TechnologyOne

    Electronic Procurement

    Simplify the user experience in purchase requisition creation by browsing a supplier’s web catalogue. Automate interactions with suppliers through electronic messaging of orders achieving faster turnaround times, improved pricing and streamlining the Goods Receipt using Advance Shipping notices.
  • Intelligent Invoice Processing

    Cut down on manual data entry tasks, enforce organisation controls and unlock efficiency across your organisation by automatically processing and intelligently matching invoices with their corresponding approved purchase orders or contracts.
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  • SCM - Supplier Portal

    Supplier Portal

    Save time by giving suppliers self-service functionality to enable two-way communication. Suppliers can simply manage their account details, review purchase orders and contract information, submit new qualifications and insurance, and responses to your published RFxs.
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  • Procedure Management - Analysis

    Procedure Management

    Access real-time information on stock levels across multiple locations, by accurately recording and replenishing all items used in a procedure including imprest, stock, loan, or consignment items.
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  • SCM - Batch Tracking

    Serial & Batch Tracking

    Extend your inventory management solution with support for tracking items with batch or serial numbers across their lifecycle.
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  • Stock Requisitions - Supply Chain Management product - TechnologyOne

    Imprest Stock Management

    Streamline your imprest stock management with support for real-time mobile device stock scanning and automated replenishment.
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  • SCM - Requisitioning

    Stock Requisitions

    Allocate stock to outstanding backorders and create pick-lists based on different criteria. Perform picking on mobile devices with integrated barcode scanning. Enable employees to raise and send requisitions through automated, predefined approval workflows. Save time by consolidating multiple requisitions into single orders for each supplier.

  • SCM - Replenishment


    Automate and streamline stock replenishment through a powerful engine, which is aware of stock commitments, historical trends and supplier lead times.
  • Web Catalogues - TechnologyOne

    Web Services

    Leverage the power of Supply Chain Web Services which allow the exchange of information with other systems using universal Web protocols, without the need for manual intervention.
2024a is efficiency redefined.

Elevating success with lightning-fast time to value..

Our latest software release

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Our latest software release delivers enhancements designed to simplify the way you work and elevate your enterprise experience.

Local Government SaaS | Case study

City of South Perth

City of South Perth gained a more agile and cost-effective approach to operations and unified its business systems by adopting the OneCouncil SaaS ERP solution.

Ready to learn more?

Complete the form to speak to a Supply Chain Management expert about how TechnologyOne can help you.